Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Field Level Cases


Allowed Field Length-50

Valid Data
==Allow Numbers(unless proposed)
==Allowed Special characters( -,&,. ,',Space)

Invalid Data-
==Special chars like ~,!,@,#,$,%,^,*,(,),_,+,{,},:,",<,>,?,|,/,comma,;,],[,=,
==adding more characters to this field than the field size limit


Allowed Field Length-500

Valid Data
==Alphabets, numbers and few special
==characters like #,@,/,(,), . ,comma,Space and - only

Invalid Data-
==Special chars like ~,!,$,%,^,&,*,_,+,{,},:,",<,>,?,|,',;,],[,=,`
==adding more characters to this field than the field size limit

File upload

Valid Data
==Upload supported file format,Single or multiple file upload

Invalid Data-
2]Upload file with filename having special character like #.png
3]Upload large sized file more that max allowed
4]Single or multiple file upload
5]Once again upload file which has already been uploaded
6]Write a wrong path or a path where no such file exits and click 
7]No plain text or characters should be allowed
8]Upload unsupported file format
Birth Date

Valid Data
Numbers,Special characters like hyphen(-),slash(/),depending on format accepted

Invalid Data-
2]Upload file with filename having special character like #.png
3]Upload large sized file more that max allowed
4]Single or multiple file upload
5]Once again upload file which has already been uploaded
6]Write a wrong path or a path where no such file exits and click 
7]No plain text or characters should be allowed
8]Upload unsupported file format

Allowed Field Length-320

Valid Data

Invalid Data-
Joe Smith
あいうえお (Joe Smith)
Adding more characters to this field than the field size limit


Valid Data
1]Add urls containing http:// and https://
2]Consider things like domains and subdomains ... and
3]Presence of trailing slash -
4]Absence of trailing slash-
5]Non-standard port ...
6]Deep path after the host ...
7]URL Parameters ...
8]Anchor tags ...

Invalid Data-
2]URL must not contain a literal space( It must either be encoded using the percent-encoding or a different 
encoding that uses URL-safe characters)

Security Testing Checklist

Is confidentiality/user privacy protected?
Does the site prompt for user name and password?
Have you verified where encryption begins and ends?
Are concurrent log-ons permitted?
Does the application include time-outs due to inactivity?
Is bookmarking disabled on secure pages?
Is Right Click, View, Source disabled?
Are you prevented from doing direct searches by editing content in the URL?
Test both valid and invalid login names and passwords. Are they case sensitive? Is there a limit To how many tries that is allowed? Can it be bypassed by typing the URL to a page inside? Directly in the browser?
Verify rules for password selection
Cookies:If cookies store login
information, make sure the information is encrypted in the cookie file. If the
cookie is used for statistics, make sure those cookies are encrypted too, Otherwise
people can edit their cookies and skew

Performance Testing Checklist

Does the home page load quickly? Within 8 seconds
Many users requesting a certain page at the same time or using the site simultaneously
Have you defined standards for response time (i.e. all screens should paint within 10
Will the site allows for large orders without locking out inventory if the transaction is
Can the site sustain large transactions without crashing?
Is the application or certain features going to be used only during certain periods of time or will it Be used continuously 24 hours a day 7 days a week? Test that the application is able to per Form during those conditions

GUI Testing Checklist

Are hyperlink colours standard?
Are the field backgrounds the correct colour?
Are the field prompts the correct color?
Are the screen and field colors adjusted correctly for non-editable mode?
Are all the buttons are in standard format and size?
Is the page background (colour) distraction free?
Error Messages should be in one color (red) and an Informative Messages should be in one common color (green)
All fonts to be the same
Are all the screen prompts specified in the correct screen font?
Does content remain if you need to go back to a previous page, or if you move forward to an Other new page?
Is all text properly aligned?
Is the text in all fields specified in the correct screen font?
Is all the heading are left aligned
Does the first letter of the second word appears in lowercase?
Does the site use CSS for all presentation aspects (fonts, colour, padding, borders etc)?
Assure that command buttons are all of similar size and shape, and same font & font
Are all decorative images in the CSS, or do they appear in the (X)HTML?
Are all character or alpha-numeric fields left justified? This is the default unless otherwise specified?
Are all numeric fields right justified? This is the default unless otherwise specified?
Forms: [Compulsory filed marked with (*) sign]
If the site uses frames, use frame titles and place meaningful content in the noframes area
Are all graphics properly aligned?
Do these images
waste bandwidth? In general use small pictures to reduce load.
Are graphics optimized for quick downloads?
Does text wrap properly around pictures/graphics?
Are “alt” attributes used for all descriptive images?
Is all the error message text spelt correctly on this screen?
Is all the micro-help text (i.e. tool tip) spelt correctly on this screen?
Micro help text (i.e. tool tip) for every enabled field & button
Progress messages on load of tabbed (active screens) screens
Are all disabled fields avoided in the TAB sequence?
Are all read-only fields avoided in the TAB sequence?
Does a scrollbar appear if required?
Does the Tab Order specified on the screen go in sequence from Top Left to bottom
right? This Is the default unless otherwise specified
Is there a link to home on every single page?
On open of tab focus will be on first editable field
Windows should have proper Page title( Informative page title that includes the company/organization/site name?)
Does site contains Page footer area — copyright, last update, contact e-mail address?
Links to downloads for media plug-ins should be provided
Are all the field prompts spelt correctly?
Are fonts too large or too small to read?
Are names in command button & option box names are not abbreviations.
Assure that option boxes, option buttons, and command buttons are logically grouped
together In clearly demarcated areas "Group Box"
Does User cab Login Member Area with both Username/Email ID?
Does the site have a sitemap page and contact page? Are they easy to find?
For large sites, is there a search tool?
Are links underlined?
Is the site’s navigation easy to understand?,navigation system should give visitor a clue as to what page of the site they are currently on and where they can go next.(like breadcrumb and menu-highlightened for current page)
Are the links in navigation bar/menu bar organized in an intuitive manner?
When an error message occurs does the focus return to the field in error when the user cancels it?
Professional feedback for each action performed. (“Thank you” page or “error page” pageshould be professionally provided)
Is the cursor positioned in the first input field or control when the screen is opened?
Does the site use friendly URLs?(friendly urls do no make use of question mark,ampersand,query string etc)
Does the site have a favicon?

Compatibility Testing Checklist


Is the HTML version being used compatible with appropriate browser versions?
Do images display correctly with browsers under test?
Verify the fonts are usable on any of the browsers
Is Java Code/Scripts usable by the browsers under test?make sure no JS error are generated
Have you tested Animated GIFs across browsers?

Screen resolution (check that text and graphic alignment still work, font is readable etc.)
like 1024 by 768, 600x800, 640 x 480 pixels etc
Colour depth (256, 16-bit, 32-bit)

Does the site load quickly enough in the viewer's browser within 8 Seconds?

Text and image alignment
Colours of text, foreground and background
Scalability to fit paper size
Tables and borders
Do pages print legibly without cutting off text?

Web Application Interface Testing Checklist


Verify that communication is done correctly, web server-application server, application server- database server and vice versa

Have all supported browsers been tested?
Have all error conditions related to external interfaces been tested when external
application is unavailable or server inaccessible?

If the site uses plug-ins, can the site still be used without them?
Are failures handled if there are errors in download?
Can users use copy/paste functionality? Does it allow in password/CVV/credit card no
If we leave the site in the middle of a task does it cancel?
Does our solution handle network failures between Web site and application servers?
Have you implemented intelligent error handling (from disabling cookies, etc.)?

Functional Checklist


Check that the link takes you to the page it said it would
Ensure to have no orphan pages (a page that has no links to it)
Check all of your links to other websites
Are all referenced web sites or email addresses hyper linked?
If we have removed some of the pages from our own site, set up a custom 404 page that
Redirects your visitors to your home page (or a search page) when the user try to access
a page That no longer exists

Acceptance of invalid input
Optional versus mandatory fields
Input longer than field allows
Default values on page load/reload (Also terms and conditions option should be disabled)
Are all data inside combo/list box are arranged in chronological order?
Does a scrollbar appear if required?

Is the Privacy Policy clearly defined and available for user access?
Check to see what happens if a user deletes cookies while in site
Are you prevented from entering the same information multiple times?
Is intelligent error handling built into your data verification? IE. If Date of Birth is a required field MM/DD/YYYY, it is unlikely that the person entering the data was born in 1857.
Are users prevented from entering HTML code in form fields?
Does any field accept blank entry even if its mandatory?
For drop down… Each should have first value as "---Select---" or something meaningful like for e.g:: --Select name--
Does the upload files accept proper formated file for uploading, according to requirement
For e.g:: upload file should accept only .jpg or .gif format
Does mail id is accepted without @ or .com or
Common mail id validation should be checked

the maximum field lengths to ensure that there are no truncated characters?
If numeric fields accept negative values can these be stored correctly on the database and does It makes sense for the field to accept negative numbers?
If a particular set of data is saved to the database check that each value gets saved fully to the Database. (i.e.) Beware of truncation (of strings) and rounding of numeric values

Assure that lowest and highest values are handled correctly
Assure that numeric fields with a blank in position 1 are processed or reported as an
Assure that fields with a blank in the last position are processed or reported as an error .
Assure that both + and - values are correctly processed
Assure that division by zero does not occur
Include value zero in all calculations
Include out of range values above the maximum and below the minimum